icon-opgavestyring TASK MANAGEMENT 

Keep vehicles and equipment maintained with tasks

Systemize the maintenance of equipment and vehicles. Then you can keep track of who does what - and when.

White vans next to each other
AS-Julius-Nielsen-og-Søn danbolig Estate eurodan-huse Food-Bio-Cluster Gentofte-Gladsaxe-fjernvarme Artelia GF-Forsikring Gjensidige Brdr-K-Hansen Kaj-Bech Alm.-Brand Gråkjær Hetag-Tagdækning-Nord-AS BMS itm8 A.-Enggaard AKF-Holding Greve-Kommune LandboNord Malerselskabet-SBM Maxi-Zoo M.J.-Eriksson Kemp-og-Lauritzen home Svendborg-Kommune Kaastrup-Andersen Norlys Kosan-Gas Nybolig Nykredit Peab Juul-og-Nielsen Raundahl-og-Moesby RealMæglerne vestjysk Silkeborg-Kommune Vejen-Kommune Wicotec-Kirkebjerg Trancit Herning-vand Region-Hovedstaden Sønderjysk-Forsikring TopDanmark

Masterclass: Maintenance and task management

In this masterclass video, Simon Vindfeld Jensen walks through some of the key features of Mileage Book's maintenance and task management solution.

Here you'll see how to create tasks and subtasks on a piece of equipment or vehicle. Create the tasks with specific time intervals and assign them to an employee.

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Har du lyst til en gennemgang af Mileage Book Fleet?


Hvis du har fået lyst til at se mere af hvad løsningen kan gøre for lige præcis jeres virksomhed, så få en demo.
Det er helt gratis og uforpligtende.


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Create synergy with integrations

Connect your company's existing systems with Mileage Book and work smarter. We integrate with many systems within payroll, accounting, leasing, ERP and much more. See integrations here.

Use fleet managment to focus on costs and CO2 emissions

With Mileage Book's fleet management, you get a complete overview of your company's vehicles and power the administration of the vehicles with a range of integrations.

The integrations give you insight into driving patterns, master data, leasing agreements, maintenance and insurance.

Then you have the basis to make good decisions about your vehicles and the composition of the fleet.

Fleet Management dashboard

Icon calculator

Bind systemer sammen med integrationer

Mileage Book integrerer med mange systemer inden for bl.a. løn, regnskab og ERP.
Men vi har også en række integrationer specifikt til flådestyring, der gør arbejdet lettere og mere smart.


Booking module for company pool cars

Do your employees have access to shared company cars?

Then you probably want to have insight into how much the cars are driven and know who is driving the cars - and when.

You can do that with Mileage Book's pool car module. You get an overview and efficiency in the administration of your pool cars:

  • Optimal utilization of the car fleet
  • Less wasted time and less frustration for employees
  • The documentation required by tax authorities
Mileage Book's pool car module viewed on two phones.

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Want to see more?

Reach out if you want a demo of Mileage Book that fits your company. It's free and completely free and non-binding. Book a demo here.

Questions for task management?

Contact me if you have question or something you would like to know more about.
I would also like to give you an non-binding demonstration of the system.