Udlægshåndtering EXPENSE MANAGEMENT 

Manage outlays and company cards

No more lost receipts and missed payments for personal expenses. Save, send, and approve with expense management.

Woman enters numbers on calculator
AS-Julius-Nielsen-og-Søn danbolig Estate eurodan-huse Food-Bio-Cluster Gentofte-Gladsaxe-fjernvarme Artelia GF-Forsikring Gjensidige Brdr-K-Hansen Kaj-Bech Alm.-Brand Gråkjær Hetag-Tagdækning-Nord-AS BMS itm8 A.-Enggaard AKF-Holding Greve-Kommune LandboNord Malerselskabet-SBM Maxi-Zoo M.J.-Eriksson Kemp-og-Lauritzen home Svendborg-Kommune Kaastrup-Andersen Norlys Kosan-Gas Nybolig Nykredit Peab Juul-og-Nielsen Raundahl-og-Moesby RealMæglerne vestjysk Silkeborg-Kommune Vejen-Kommune Wicotec-Kirkebjerg Trancit Herning-vand Region-Hovedstaden Sønderjysk-Forsikring TopDanmark

Video: Expense management

Sales manager Simon Vindfeld shows here how you can use Mileage Book's expense management for easy management of personal outlays and company card transactions.

Core features

The management of expenses is done is a few simple steps.


App on phone

Save you receipt instantly with the Mileage Book app on your phone. Simply take a picture, add notes, and save.


1-click approve

Employees send expenses for approval with a click - just like the mileage log. And it's just as easy to approve by the administration.



Integrations with bank and ERP system make your process from A to Z more digital and automatic - and in the end easier.

Mileage Book Expense also includes...

A string of features cover all needs within expense management.

Mastercard icon


Understøtter brug af Mastercard.

Kontoplan ikon


Opsæt finanskonto og momskoder.

Company card icon


Understøtter brug af forskellige firmakort.

Recieips icon


Gem kvitteringer i appen.

approval workflow icon

Approval workflow

Set up an approval flow that suits your organization.

expense types icon

Expense types

Classify company expenses.

Multidimensional icon


Allocate expenses to the right cost center.

Upload pdf file icon

Upload pdf file

Upload invoice in pdf file format.

Camera icon


Use phone camra for saving receipts in the app.



Integration with bank, ERP, project, and payroll systems.

Personal outlay

Personal outlays

Keep track of personal outlays.

Notat icon


Add notes.


It is certainly a simplification that the employees do not have to remember to take the receipts into the office. Instead, they can save receipts in the app on the spot.

With the switch to Mileage Book, we have been confirmed in our expectation of fewer errors and time saved.

Kristian Løkke Kristensen fra Skovdyrkerne

Kristian Løkke Kristensen

We also manage your mileage logs

You can use the same approval flow for both outlays and the employees mileage logs. We have automated the processes around company mileage. This means less trouble and time saved for employees on the roads as well as those who have to handle receipts and mileage in the office.

Here you can see more about our solution for mileage logs.

Phone and computer with Mileage Book on it.

Mileage and expense in one app.


App store

Do you have questions?

Contact us if you have any questions.
We are also happy to provide a completely non-binding demo of the system.

Marcus Arvad Christiansen
Key Account Manager
+45 33 60 89 72

Portræt af Marcus Arvad Christiansen